Left Mouse Button: | Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options |
Right Mouse Button: | Use spells or skills |
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button: | PK Attack |
F1: | Help |
F2: | Dialogue toggle |
F3: | Toggle whispering on chat mode |
F4: | Adjust chatting window size |
F5: | Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message |
F6: | Hides MUssenger chatting window |
F8: | Display Ranking |
F10: | Display 3D Camera ON/OFF |
F12: | Hide MU Online game in tray |
Enter: | Open chatting window |
D: | Automatic Commands |
M or /Move: | Move between maps or worlds |
C: | Character statistics |
I or V: | Inventory |
Q: | Default shortcut key for healing items |
W: | Default shortcut key for mana recovery items |
E: | Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items |
F: | Toggles MUssenger |
T: | Toggles Quest |
U: | Toggles Menu |
P: | Toggles Party window |
A: | Toggles Master skill tree window |
G: | Toggles Guild window |
B: | Toggles Gens window |
H: | Toggles Event timers window |
J: | Toggles Jewel bank |
Z: | Toggles Official MU Helper |
X: | Toggles X Shop |
Shift: | Hold character in position |
[Ctrl] + Number: | Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9 |
Number #1-9: | Select bound Skill/Spell |
[Alt]: | Display item names on the ground |
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button: | Individual selection of items on the ground |
Spacebar: | Automatic pickup of items on the ground |
Print Screen: | Screen capture /Take Screenshot |
/move [map] | Move to a map (map price) |
/bar | Move to Lorencia BAR (2k Zen) |
/ads [msg] | Post a meg in global chat (10k Zen) |
/addstr [points] | Add points in Str |
/addstr auto [points] | Enable automatic points adding till value |
/addagi [points] | Add points in Agi |
/addagi auto [points] | Enable automatic points adding till value |
/addvit [points] | Add points in Vit |
/addvit auto [points] | Enable automatic points adding till value |
/addene [points] | Add points in Ene |
/addene auto [points] | Enable automatic points adding till value |
/addcmd [points] | Add points in Com |
/addcmd auto [points] | Enable automatic points adding till value |
/pk | Clear PK (300kk Zen) |
/top |rr| |mr| | Show top player |
/info [player] | Character status |
/resp [msg] | Quiz event |
/setparty [password] | Create a password party |
/joinparty [password] | Join the password party |
/go | Join in event |
/gorun | Go to Run and Catch event |
/war [guild] | Challenge another guild |
/soccer [guild] | Challenge guild to battle soccer |
/clearinv | Clear inventory |
/marry to [player] | Marry to a player (100kk Zen) |
/lock [password] | Block Items Move |
/unlock [password] | Unblock Items Move |
/attack [skill] [buff] | Start Custom Attack (50kk Zen) |
/re |on| |off| |auto| | Resquest system |
/rei | Seize throne in king of mu event |
/pussy | Char immunity from other players |
/enterarena | Enter in custom arena event |
/evo | (Bronze) Evolve char class (1k CR) |
/remaster | (Bronze) Reset Master Skill Tree (100kk Zen) |
/class [type] | (Gold) Change char class (1.5k CR) |
/changename [newname] | (Silver) Change char name (2k CR) |
/pick [type] | (Bronze) Auto get items |
/offpvp | (Gold) Grants char immunity from other players till 19:00 servertime (also disable PVP) (500 CR) Attention. Making Reset, warping to Lorencia or warping Devias, will turn OFF this , and You lost 500 CR |
^^ | Laugh |
; | Head scratch |
-_- | Cross arms |
Great | Raises both arms |
Bye | Wave |
Cold | Rubs arms |
Come | Hand gesture – beckon someone |
T_T | Self explanatoryn (Cry – hand covers face) |
Never | “No” gesture |
Wow/ Good | Clap |
Hello | BoW (greeting) |
OK | Arm pump |
Respect | Kneel |
Rush | Lead your hand forward |
Sir | Salute |
That | Points |
Victory | Victory pose / kisses |
hustle | hustle |
Dance | Dance / Tango |