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Seed sphere application

Seed Master
Socket upgrading is a new system that lets you modify your items with sockets making them stronger than ever. Seed Master NPC who is in charge of creating seed and seed sphere is located in Elveland at coordinates (45, 242).
소켓 시스템 NPC - Socket System Season 4 NPC

Socket upgrading is a new system that lets you modify your items with sockets making them stronger than ever. 👤 Seed Master NPC who is in charge of creating seed and seed sphere is located in ⛳ Elveland at coordinates (45, 242)....

Assembly prediction: Seed sphere application

Seed sphere application - Seed sphere application

Seed sphere application
Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)
Combining Success rate: 100%
Required zen: 1,010,000(1,000,000)
  • Frost 🍡 Mace
  • Frost 🍡 Mace
  • Assembly prediction: Seed sphere application

    Recipe variant Nr.:2

    Seed sphere application
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)
    Combining Success rate: 100%
    Required zen: 1,010,000(1,000,000)
  • ❓ [ socket item ]
  • ❓ [ item]
  • Publicēts 06.12.2020